Claim your Healing: Choose Happiness


YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Join Kultchafi on a journey of Healing and Transformation towards health, happiness and success!


If you are Traumatised, Grieving, Lonely or experiencing Loss, Kultchafi provides 21st-century healing solutions based on ancient wisdoms 


Kultchafi is here to help you Heal and move forward. Kultchafi is a multi-accredited training provider that combines modern technology and ancient wisdoms

Start your journey!

Trauma, Grief, Loneliness and Loss


Online, self-paced training

  • MASTER core skills around Trauma, Grief, Loneliness and Loss 
  • IDENTIFY strategies to achieve happiness, purpose and success 
  • GAIN skills to provide supports to others suffering Trauma, Grief, Loneliness or Loss
  • JOURNEY towards your Highest Good, and those around you
  • JOIN a  community of people to share your Healing journey
  • EXPERIENCE Transformation to live the life you want
Enrol now

Receive your Certificate

All participants who complete this Kultchafi training will receive a Certificate which can be included in your resume.


Disenfranchisement, Societal Isolation and Disempowerment training

Want to be happy, but can't work out how?

Tried self-help books with no success? Our course provides a comprehensive understanding of Disenfranchisement, Societal Isolation and Disempowerment. We provide  insights into:

  • WHY Disenfranchisement, Societal Isolation and Disempowerment occur
  • WHO they impact
  • WHEN they occur
  • HOW they impact individuals and communities; and
  • WHAT you can do to combat these barriers to happiness

This course, which takes just an hour, could change your life.

Choose happiness

"The quality and standard of Kultchafi training is exceptional"

Australasian College of Pharmacy

"What you have provided to me through this training is amazing."

- Grace E

"An inspiring experience."

- Dr M Ghabriel
Find out more