Claim your Healing: Choose Happiness
YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Join Kultchafi on a journey of Healing and Transformation towards health, happiness and success!
If you are Traumatised, Grieving, Lonely or experiencing Loss, Kultchafi provides 21st-century healing solutions based on ancient wisdoms
Kultchafi is here to help you Heal and move forward. Kultchafi is a multi-accredited training provider that combines modern technology and ancient wisdoms
Start your journey!Receive your Certificate
All participants who complete this Kultchafi training will receive a Certificate which can be included in your resume.
Disenfranchisement, Societal Isolation and Disempowerment training
Want to be happy, but can't work out how?
Tried self-help books with no success? Our course provides a comprehensive understanding of Disenfranchisement, Societal Isolation and Disempowerment. We provide insights into:
- WHY Disenfranchisement, Societal Isolation and Disempowerment occur
- WHO they impact
- WHEN they occur
- HOW they impact individuals and communities; and
- WHAT you can do to combat these barriers to happiness
This course, which takes just an hour, could change your life.
"The quality and standard of Kultchafi training is exceptional"
- Australasian College of Pharmacy
"What you have provided to me through this training is amazing."
- Grace E
"An inspiring experience."